Friday, November 21, 2008

November 18, 2008: Second Interview

Dear Friend,

I interviewed Adi today. He’s the guy that likes “Boom-Chicka-Boom” so much that whenever he sees me he asks if we can play it. His excitement about that game is amusing to see because of how childlike he is. He’s a great friend.

Adi was hesitant about the voice recorder. He was very shy while answering the questions, not liking that someone else in the future might listen to the interview and hear his voice. He did well, though, and answered them as best he could, though it may have taken awhile to say a little for how self-conscious he was.

Adi has been a volunteer for both A.R.T. Fusion and New Horizons for a couple years now. As I’ve seen him work in the forum theatre projects we’ve done, I’ve noticed how well he takes the stage. He expressed in the interview how he enjoys forum theatre because of the nervous excitement he gets when he’s performing. He demonstrated my shaking his hands, as if he was really nervous. He has good stage presence. He also appreciates forum theatre for how it’s helped him to recognize different solutions in his own life. He hopes that will continue into his future.

As I ended the interview, Adi expressed his appreciation for my being here. He said he wanted me to call him to say goodbye before I got on the plane. Adi didn’t get the chance to say goodbye to the last intern from the States A.R.T. Fusion had. He wants to make up for that. So do I.


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