Monday, November 17, 2008

November 17, 2008: Paper Three Done

Dear Friend,

Fall semester of my junior year I was taking over eighteen credits and had seven papers due before the end of finals week. I correlated each paper with each of the seven deadly sins as a way to make the strain more comical. As I completed each paper I would announce, “I’ve just beaten wrath,” or “I’ve just defeated gluttony.” The process was made much easier knowing there was comedy. However, my writing ability took a toll. I was so exhausted after having completed seven academic documents that, after that point, I was unable to write the way I used to. Seven papers is a lot!

This was almost the case today, but not quite. This was only my third paper as opposed to my seventh. However, I’m beat. As I wrote the paper I realized I wasn’t as up on my game as I had been while writing my second paper. By the end of writing this final paper I was ready to throw in the towel. It’s finished, though, which means all I have to concentrate on now is the curriculum. This does mean more writing, but somehow there’s less stress knowing that I’ve finished everything else except that. By the time I leave for Slovakia this Friday I’ll be done with the curriculum. Another victory just around the bend.


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