Sunday, September 14, 2008

September 13, 2008: Workday One, with Honking

Dear Friend,

The title says it all. It’s been a workday, mainly on the blog.

This morning, however, some of us went hiking with Dana. We’re training, as it were, for our upcoming week, so each of us had our packs. It was rather wet and rainy, so I was worried we wouldn’t be able to go. However, the day we did backpack orientation I discovered the rain cover for my backpack. It's yellow. I can only imagine what the citizens of Lupeni were thinking, as I plodded my way to the parking lot of the supermarket, wearing my blue raincoat and carrying a large, yellow thing on my back. I also had the poles with me, just to add more to the goofiness of the scene.

Dana took us on a gravel road that went up the mountain behind the supermarket. For some reason, most of our conversations were about scars and injuries we had obtained in our childhood. It was rather amusing, each of us reciting the gory details of every scrape and scratch. Okay, it wasn’t that entirely, but you get the picture.

We hiked for a little over an hour, up to a ventilation shaft that went down into the mines. Coal mining is very prominent in Lupeni. Our path led us to a facility built specifically for sending fresh air down into the mines for the miners. We met two workers, whose jobs are apparently to monitor the ventilator during working hours. I can’t imagine what it would be like to even go down into a mine, much less what it would be like to work in one. I don’t want to imagine.

The rest of the day was spent working. Not much to report there. I was getting nostalgic at one point and found “The Sacred Stage” trailer on youtube. I also watched the new “Real.Northwestern” video a couple times. I miss home.

There's a lot of honking that goes on here in Romania. Janelle and Daniel have told us that corruption is still prominent in the country, which means people are able to bribe their way to a driver's license. This lack of responsibility for driving seems to explain the incessant honking I heard this evening. We heard it on our way to Sinaia after being picked up from the airport. Apparently people think there traffic woes will be solved by honking at each other. Sometimes people will just lay on the horn for a couple minutes. I think I've heard every different kind of horn manufactured for motor vehicles in Romania. It's not unlike listening to a poorly tuned orchestra.

When I returned to the flat from the office, Tibi had another movie for us to watch. It was a pirated copy of a movie I had never heard of. It was somewhat poor quality, a made for TV special from a couple years ago I would imagine. It was about William Carey, a missionary to India during the nineteenth century. Aside from the weak script and declamatory acting, the story was rather good. Carey translated the Bible and other pieces of Indian literature into a number of different languages. It was another story of perseverance (I’m noticing a trend in Tibi’s tastes) which I appreciated. By the time it was done, however, I was quite ready to go to bed.


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